Sports Participation Application - Athletes Under 18
SC4 students are invited to apply for participation in intercollegiate sports at St. Clair County Community College. Completing the application does not guarantee a spot on the team. Applicant will be contacted by the Athletic Department for information on practices and tryouts. Please scroll down for additional information.
Fields with asterisk are required.
Please find a list below of the forms required by the Athletic Department and the actions needed.
1. Forms to read and accept terms and conditions on The Pier:
- Activity Liability Waiver
- Code of Conduct
- Concussion Form
- Drug and Alcohol Testing
- Trip Liability Waiver
If the applicant is currently under 18 years old, a parent or legal guardian must review and approve the terms and conditions of these forms. Any falsification could lead to removal from participation.
2. Forms to print, complete and email to the Athletic Department:
- NJCAA Eligibility Affidavit
- Physical Exam Form
3. Forms to request be sent to SC4’s Athletic Department:
- A final copy of a high school transcript - A student-athlete new to SC4 needs to submit a final copy of his/her high school transcript showing the graduation date. If the student-athlete did not graduate from high school, his/her GED certificate AND high school transcript need to be submitted.
- An official copy of college transcripts - A student-athlete who attended a college other than SC4 needs to submit an official transcript from each college he/she attended.
Questions? Contact Lisa Bankston at or 810-989-5670.
Athletic Department
St. Clair County Community College
323 Erie St., PO Box 5015
Port Huron, MI 48061-5015
Fax: 810.989.5776